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Surety Bond for Nebraska Private Postsecondary Schools & Agents


Private postsecondary career schools and their recruiting agents licensed in Nebraska are required to post surety bonds. Though the regulations are not new, it’s important that schools and their agents are aware of them and in compliance.

Private postsecondary career (PPC) schools are schools that charge tuition and offer courses training students for specific occupations. Public schools, schools offering courses for preschool through twelfth grade and several other types of institutions fall under exemptions listed in the Nebraska Revised Statutes 85-1604 and are not subject to the same laws as PPC schools.

In Nebraska, PPC schools and school agents must become licensed and post a surety bond as part of the licensing process. School agents own interest in or are employed by PPC schools. Agents act as student recruiters or otherwise represent the schools.

Applying entities for a new private postsecondary school license must submit the following information to the Nebraska Department of Education:

The Department of Education has compiled a complete checklist of materials schools must submit. The required $20,000 bond protects students in the event that the school closes or does not provide services as promised. Students can seek tuition reimbursement through the bond if necessary. Private postsecondary schools can also later add programs to their curriculum with a new program application.

School agent applications should be submitted along with the school’s license application. Agents must include the following information with their applications:

School agents’ bonds ensure that they do not misrepresent the private postsecondary school when recruiting students.

The Nebraska Department of Education can answer your questions about licensing a private postsecondary school and their agents. Contact if you’re ready to purchase a Nebraska surety bond.