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Driver Education Schools in Maine Have New Bond Requirement

driver education

Driver education schools in Maine must now post a surety bond, according to new regulations adopted in August 2015. Class A schools must post a minimum $10,000 bond, and Class B schools a minimum $2,500 bond. The new regulations can be found in the Code of Maine Rules, Chapter 9.

Class A schools are authorized to provide both the classroom and behind-the-wheel phases of driver education and may also provide digital education. Class B schools may provide only behind-the-wheel instruction to drivers holding a learner’s permit, temporary license, or driver’s license. Both schools may hire Class A and B driver education instructors.

The surety bond is in place to protect driver education students from suffering financial loss if the driver education school fails to adhere to the laws governing their industry. The bond forms are available at the end of CMR Ch. 9.

Contact the Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles for more information about applying for a driver education school license.