How to get an Arizona Motor Vehicle Dealer License
This Arizona motor vehicle dealer license guide is for informational purposes only. SuretyBonds.com does not regulate or manage licensing for motor vehicle dealers in Arizona. Contact the Arizona Department of Transportation for the state's the latest official motor vehicle dealer license requirements.
The Arizona Department of Transportation enforces auto dealer license and surety bond requirements according to state statutes. You'll need to submit your application electronically as paper applications are no longer accepted and will be returned. All license application and bond paperwork must be completed and submitted through the ADOT Force portal.
Note that the Arizona DOT enforces a similar, but separate, wholesale dealer license and wholesale dealer surety bond for wholesale-only motor vehicle dealers.
How do I get a motor vehicle dealer license in Arizona?
Step 1: Set up your ADOT Force account.
You'll use your ADOT Force account to do the following.
- Submit applications
- Monitor your application status
- Make changes to current licenses
- Order new plates, cancel plates, or replace plates
- Add or delete contacts
You must select the application type that best fits your dealership's needs and provide all documents required for your license type. When completing your AZ MVD Now application, you must use a unique email for your dealer account that's not associated with any other AZ MVD Now accounts. This account can not be self-registered and must be set up by the Dealer Licensing Team.
Step 2: Purchase your Arizona auto dealer bond.
Arizona Statutes Title 28 Chapter 10 Article 28-4362 requires those who sell new and/or used vehicles to the public file a $100,000 surety bond to guarantee dealer licensing compliance.
You can apply for your Arizona auto dealer bond online 24/7. Your personal motor vehicle dealer bond invoice will be provided after a quick application review with annual premiums starting at $750.
Step 3: Submit your application packet online.
You must submit the following forms electronically through the ADOT Force portal.
- AZ MVD Now Dealership Administrator Application
- Authorization to Release Information - Statement of Personal History
- $100,000 vehicle dealer surety bond
- Authorized Presence Documentation (only required for an individual or a sole proprietorship)
You might need to provide additional items based on your dealer license type.
- Photos of your office space, locking cabinet, business sign, posted business hours, and all 4 sides of the building
- Transaction Privilege Tax License for the current year and address of your proposed dealership
- If located in a suite or complex: 2 labeled dedicated parking spaces
- If applicable: articles of incorporation (unless filing as individual or partnership)
- New car dealers: letter of intent
Step 4: Provide fingerprints and background information.
You must register and pay for the service from the Arizona Applicant Processing Services. You'll need to provide code VDR-059.A to the fingerprint technician at the time of fingerprinting.
Step 5: Pay applicable fees.
You must pay all applicable fees through your AZMVDNow.gov account. If you need additional information or have questions about your required fees, email the Dealer Licensing team at [email protected].
How do I renew and maintain my license?
You can use the following state services to manage and renew your Arizona motor vehicle dealer license.
- ADOT Force: Make changes to your dealership such as requesting new plates, replacing plates, canceling plates, changing locations, or updating business ownership.
- AZ MVD Now Dealer Account: Add funds, renew your dealer license, issue TRP and permits, and submit other dealer applications.
- Dealer Registration Transfer (eTitle): Find the DRT user handbook and other additional information.
- Audit Report & Dealer Plate Audit: Maintain your license.
Last Updated: August 28, 2023
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