How to Register a Florida Health Studio
This Florida health studio registration guide is for informational purposes only. SuretyBonds.com does not regulate or manage registration for health studios in Florida. Contact the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the state's latest official health studio registration requirements.
Florida Statutes Section 501.0125 defines a health studio as "any person who is engaged in the sale of services for instruction, training, or assistance in a program of physical exercise or in the sale of services for the right or privilege to use equipment or facilities in furtherance of a program of physical exercise. The term does not include an individual acting as a personal trainer."
The Florida Health Studio Act requires health studios/gyms to register with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), which sometimes requires the posting of a surety bond as financial security.
Complete the following steps to submit your Florida health studio or gym registration with the FDACS.
How do I register a health studio in Florida?
Step 1: Complete your Florida health studio registration application.
You must provide the following information on your Florida Health Studio Registration Application.
- Your studio or gym's name, physical/mailing addresses, telephone number, fax number, email address, and website
- Contact person's legal name, title, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and email address
- Type of business organization being registered
- Your federal employer identification number, which you can obtain immediately by calling the IRS Business and Specialty Tax Line at 1(800)829-4933
- Name, title, address, phone number, and ownership percentage for each owner/partner/corporate officer/director
Step 2: Provide a copy of your health studio or gym's membership contract.
Florida law requires health studios and buyers of health services to provide buyers with written agreements if services are paid for in advance or if the buyer agrees to pay in installments. Florida Statutes 501.017 mandates health studio contracts meet the following criteria.
- Contracts are in writing and contain the entire agreement between the parties.
- The health studio name, address, and primary place of business must match the information provided on the application.
- The health studio registration number issued by the FDACS must appear on the contract in the following form: "(Name of Firm)... is registered with the state of Florida as a Health Studio Facility Registration Number...”
- Contract terms must specify the charges for each health studio service provided under the contract.
- Consumer protection clauses are printed in at least 10 point boldfaced type.
- The contract contains a proper disclosure statement if the business is exempt from the $25,000 surety bond requirement.
- A copy of the contract signed by all parties is provided to the consumer at the time of its execution.
- The contract has a transaction date and membership beginning and ending dates.
- The contract does not suggest it's for a lifetime or indefinite term.
You can find more information by reviewing the Health Studio Contract Requirements Checklist.
Step 3: Purchase your Florida health studio surety bond.
If you collect fees beyond 30 days in advance, charge a service fee that's more than 10% of your total contract price, or have a 3rd party collect fees on behalf of your health studio or gym, you must purchase and file a $25,000 surety bond with your Florida health studio registration application.
If all current outstanding contracts of your health studio or gym are less than $5,000, your surety bond amount can be reduced to $10,000. However, any time the aggregate dollar amount of your outstanding contracts exceeds $5,000, you'll need to notify the FDACS. If your health studio or gym has a reduced bond amount, you must provide the department with an annually updated list of members. If you fail to provide your membership list to the department annually, your bond amount will return to $25,000.
You can apply for your Florida health studio bond online 24/7 with annual premiums starting at $100. Your official Florida health studio bond will be emailed to you once your order has been processed.
*Note: Each separate health studio or gym business location must have its own surety bond.
Step 4: Pay your registration fee.
You must pay an annual $300 registration fee to the FDACS for each health studio or gym business location you operate. All fees are nonrefundable.
Make checks and money orders payable to FDACS.
Step 5: Submit your application packet to the FDACS.
Mail your completed application, membership contract copy, registration fee payment, and original surety bond (if applicable) to the following address.
Health Studio Program
P.O. Box 6700
Tallahassee, FL 32314-6700
What do I do if my Florida health studio or gym changes owners or locations?
If your health studio or gym is put under new management or control, the new owner or manager must provide each buyer under a contract with the health studio or gym with notice of their rights and obligations within 10 days of the ownership change.
If your health studio or gym ownership changes, moves locations, or closes its facilities, you must notify the FDACS by certified mail at least 30 days in advance. You must post a notice of this change at the front entrance of your affected business location(s).
Last Updated: October 19, 2023
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