What Is a PrePass Financial Guarantee Bond?
The PrePass service allows qualified commercial vehicles and trucks to bypass certain weigh stations and inspection sites, saving operators time and money. A PrePass financial guarantee bond ensures PrePass receives payment from freight carriers for toll services and fees.
Who Needs a PrePass Financial Guarantee Bond?
Carriers that wish to participate in the PrePass program can file a financial guarantee bond instead of making an upfront cash deposit. Participants may include trucking companies, freight haulers and other commercial vehicle operators.
How Does a PrePass Financial Guarantee Bond Work?
A PrePass financial guarantee bond establishes a legal agreement between three parties:
- Principal: The carrier who is responsible for purchasing and upholding the bond
- Surety: The provider issuing the bond to the principal
- Obligee: The PrePass Billing Department that is protected by the bond
These surety bonds hold carriers liable for the following:
- Paying all fees and tolls associated with the PrePass service
- Baying any fines owed as a result of violating program rules
How Much Do PrePass Financial Guarantee Bonds Cost?
Drivers typically need surety bond coverage between $1,000 and $100,000. Verify your bond requirement with the PrePass Billing Department before purchasing. PrePass financial guarantee bond prices vary based on the bond amount and applicant’s credit score.
Typically, the price is 1–5% of the total bond coverage for applicants with good credit. For example, qualified applicants could pay as little as $100 for a $10,000 PrePass financial guarantee bond. Apply now for an exact quote:
How Do I Get a PrePass Financial Guarantee Bond?
SuretyBonds.com provides the fastest and easiest way to get a PrePass financial guarantee bond. Just follow these simple steps:
- Apply online at SuretyBonds.com
- Get a free quote within one business day
- Purchase your bond
- File the bond with PrePass using the address below
PrePass Billing Department
101 N. First Avenue
Suite 2200
Phoenix, AZ 85003-1908