Texas Public Safety Promoter and Solicitor Bond
400,000+ Bonds issued to 250,000+ satisfied customers.
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How much does a public safety solicitor bond cost in Texas?
Public safety solicitors in Texas must post $10,000 surety bonds to legally operate within the state.
These bonds are subject to underwriting, so the price you’ll pay depends on a review of your personal credit report.
Ready to find out exactly how much you’ll pay for your Texas surety bond? Request your free bond quote now!
Why do I need this bond?
Texas public safety organization's, independent promoter's, or public safety publication solicitor’s bonds ensure that principals (solicitors) conduct business in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1803 of the Texas Occupations Code. Prohibited acts under this bond include, but are not limited to:
- using a statement or symbol that closely resembles a pubic safety entity with the intention of misleading a person
- knowingly implying the solicited funds are being used for a different purpose than they are in reality
- indicating the principal is a member of a public safety entity if he/she is not
- knowingly filing false or misleading information in required documentation from the Secretary of State
- indicating that contributors to the solicitation funds will receive preferential treatment from the public safety entity
Any person who suffers damages as a result of the principal’s unethical and unlawful business practices will be protected from financial loss up to the full bond amount by the bond. The principal must reimburse the surety for all damages paid out.
What’s the fine print?
Public safety promoter and solicitor bonds in Texas remain in full force and effect until canceled. The principal or the surety can cancel the bond by giving the Secretary of State, Statutory Documents Section and the other party written notice of cancellation at least 90 days before the effective date of cancellation.
How to become a public safety solicitor in Texas
To register as a public safety solicitor in Texas, applicants must file a registration statement with the Secretary of State’s office. The following must be included in the statement:
- name, street, mailing address, and telephone number of the solicitor
- name, street, mailing address, and telephone number of entity for which the solicitor is soliciting
- $500 registration fee
- surety bond
The statement is valid for one year from the date of issuance. The solicitor must submit a renewal registration statement and a $500 fee to continue operating as a solicitor in Texas.
Purchasing the Texas surety bond you need is the first step toward becoming licensed. Our surety experts make getting bonded fast and easy!
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Call 1 (800) 308-4358 to talk with a Surety Expert today.